Flickering Waves


Pop Culture
TV, Music & Movies
Movies & Music








February 2014
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In what may prove to be the longest title of any episode of this podcast, Terry does explore the Negativland song that inspired the title of this episode but there is so much more.  First, Terry briefly considers not talking about TV anymore then proceeds to recommend three TV series (The Honorable Woman, Sonic Highways & A to Z. 

Then, a number of movies are discussed most of which are availble on Netflix Watch Instant.  Some are soon to leave like Girls Just Want To Have Fun while some are still coming like Chef.  There are some New Year's Eve viewing suggestions including the previously discussed One From The Heart which recently returned to the Netflix streaming service.

Finally, the discussion goes to music with post scripts on discussions of She & Him and Guided by Voices.  However, the heart of the music discussion is a consideration of the Negativland song from 1989.  Since artists like The Flaming Lips are taking pop recordings like Sgt. Pepper and making them stranger should artists like Taylor Swift seek out more adventurous recordings and make them work in the pop realm?  This smorgasbord of an episode tries to refer back to elements of the earlier episodes while laying out clues to podcast episodes that should be forthcoming in 2015.

Direct download: Episode_10_-_The_Perfect_Cut_White_Rabbit__A_Dog_Named_Gidget.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 2:53am EST

So now that summer is coming to an end (or over in many people's minds), our host reflects on the 1970's classic song Starbuck's "Moonlight Feels Right".  As this was never intended as a history lesson like many of the other episodes, the AM Gold classic from Starbuck is used as a springboard for a number of other topics.  Topics include but are likely not limited to the marimba (an unique componet to the Starbuck hit), how songs help recall the past, Bill Withers and how this podcast is shaping up for Episode 10 and beyond.

There are three YouTube playlists mentioned in this episode.  If you want direct links to them, please look for us on Facebook (The Flickering Waves Podcast group page) and possibly Twitter (@flickeringwaves).  Episodes of the podcast can be found on flickeringwaves.com as well as iTunes (where episodes can be downloaded, the podcast be commented on and subscribe to).  Thanks for a great summer and look for us back with Episode 10 in the fall.

Direct download: Moonlight_Feels_Right.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 2:59am EST

With this episode, this may be the closest that Terry gets to answer that dreaded question of many music fans out there, "What's your favorite album?"  The discussion for this episode turns to the 1994 release from Jeff Buckley entitled Grace.  Terry highlights some of the behind-the-scenes stories and talks about a few of his favorite songs off the album in hopes of explaining why this solitary release from Jeff Buckley was such a defining moment in music as a whole and not just another great album from 1994.

If you would like to learn more about Jeff Buckley, please seek out our YouTube playlist for this episode.  The podcast can be found on iTunes (please feel free to subscribe and comment there) and flickeringwaves.com  There is also a Flickering Waves Facebook group page and Twitter account (@flickeringwaves).  Episode 10 will not come out until September but there will be an end-of-summer mini-episode coming out for Labor Day weekend.

Direct download: Episode_9_-_So_Real.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 3:44am EST

Hurricane Charley will be remembered for many things by the people who experienced its wrath when it made landfall on Friday, August 13th, 2004.  Leave it to Terry to find some personal yet pop culture connection to it as he discusses Ryan Adams' album Love Is Hell also from 2004 (well, not exactly 2004).  That little release date question is just the beginning of a discussion that is part weather report and part album review.

The next episode also has connection to that bummer summer of 2004.  But it came to everyone in 1994 and it is Jeff Buckley's Grace which will celebrate a 20th anniversary later this month.

Episodes of the podcast are available through flickeringwaves.com as well as iTunes where one can also subscribe and comment about the podcast.  There also connections to be made via Facebook, Twitter and YouTube so please check them out.

Direct download: Episode_8_-_Love_Is_Hell.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 8:54am EST

Terry here...I'm wrapping the She & Him/M. Ward discussion (for now) with an overview of the She & Him show in Nashville from 2013 and two of the M. Ward shows from earlier this year.  I can honestly say that the whole story isn't here but the largely tangential parts left out should come in handy for inspiring other episodes of the podcast.  I talk about one of their hard-to-find videos as well as two important members of the She & Him and M. Ward touring bands, Scott McPherson and Mike Coykendall as well as some other odds-and-ends that conclude this love letter of sorts to two of my favorite musical experiences that are out there today.

I strongly recommend checking out the YouTube playlist for this episode.  And if you are on Facebook or Twitter, you can join the Flickering Waves Podcast group page and follow us @flickeringwaves respectively to get direct links to the YouTube playlists and anything else that might strike our fancy.  Finally, if you are downloading this from iTunes, please subscribe and/or comment about the podcast.  Check back in with Episode 8 which will feature a discussion of Ryan Adams' Love Is Hell.


Direct download: Episode_7_Part_2_-_This_Is_Not_A_Test.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07am EST

Switching gears back to a discussion of music brings Terry to a discussion about a series of road trips that led him to see She & Him and M. Ward a combined nine times over the past seven years.  Merge 20 is the heart of the discussion for this half but this discussion also covers road trips/plane trips to Atlanta and Athens.  Aside from the road stories, Terry shares some of his favorite songs from both She & Him and M. Ward.

This discussion of Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward (collectively known as She & Him) will continue on in the second half of Episode 7.  In that part, the attention will turn to the 2013 trip to Nashville for She & Him and M. Ward's tour of Florida earlier this year.  It will also look back at favorite songs and favorite moments from all nine shows.

As usual, the YouTube page for Flickering Waves will highlight some of the music discussed in this episode.  The podcast itself can be downloaded from flickeringwaves.com as well as iTunes where everyone can also subscribe and rate the podcast.  If you want to join the discussion, we can be found on Facebook (The Flickering Waves Podcast) and Twitter (@flickeringwaves) or you can contact us at flickeringwaves@gmail.com.

Direct download: Episode_7_-_This_Is_Not_A_Test.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 7:00am EST

Leaving the fictional Las Vegas and turning our sights onto a director who would spend his later years in Las Vegas, this episode features a discussion of Ray Dennis Steckler's 1969 film Body Fever.  Body Fever features Steckler regulars Carolyn Brandt, Ron Haydock, Herb Robins and Gary Kent as well as behind the scenes work from Keith Wester and Jack Cooperman.  As someone who recognizes that Steckler's work is still relatively unknown, Terry often finds himself drifting off to other films in Steckler's career and some of the great stories behind them.  It is safe to say that many topics here will be revisited in future episodes of the podcast.

In an effort to briefly discuss the cinematographers Vilmos Zsigmond and Laszlo Kovacs, Terry incorrectly credited the cinematography in The Last Picture Show to Mr. Kovacs when it was actually Robert Surtees.  Laszlo Kovacs did work in many other pictures including Easy Rider, Five Easy Pieces, The King of Marvin Gardens, Ghostbusters and Say Anything.  We apologize for the incorrect credit.

The podcast can be downloaded via iTunes or through the flickeringwaves.com website.  iTunes will also allow you to subscribe and comment about the podcast.  We can also be found on Facebook (The Flickering Waves podcast group page), Twitter (@flickeringwaves) and YouTube (for our playlists to compliment each episode).

Direct download: Episode_6_-_Femme_Fatale.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 2:08am EST

In this crossover episode of the podcast, Terry, having received a response from a request made in the days of 78th and Hard Drive, revisits a segement from Episode 6 of 78th and Hard Drive to add proper musical context to the proceedings.  In other words, the wonderful folks at NCM East gave us the OK to use The Jongleurs' song "Plastic Lover" albeit after some time.  So if you like what you hear, check them out at ncmeast.com for their newer recordings and The Jongleurs' music can be found on iTunes and perhaps other digital music providers.

For fans of 78th and Hard Drive, please check out Flickering Waves through the same channels (iTunes, Facebook, Twitter) that led you to 78th and Hard Drive.  For fans of Flickering Waves, we'll be back soon with Episode 6 which will focus on Ray Dennis Steckler's Body Fever.

Direct download: Throwback_Segment_-_Plastic_Lover.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 7:00am EST

For Independence Day 2014, Terry revisits Francis Ford Coppola's 1982 film "One From The Heart" which features an Oscar-nominated Song Score from Tom Waits.  Mr. Coppola chose to follow up Apocalypse Now with the simple love story of Hank and Frannie (Frederic Forrest and Teri Garr).  A production that went over budget and a troubling pre-release buzz led Coppola to remove the film from distribution shortly after its February 1982 release.

Upon closer inspection, this minor film in the Coppola filmography is worthy of reconsideration due to solid performances especially from Teri Garr, its technical innovations and the music from the film.  All this and more is discussed in this episode of Flickering Waves.  Episode 6 of the podcast will feature a discussion of Ray Dennis Steckler's 1969 film Body Fever.  Check out the YouTube playlist for this episode of the podcast and please comment and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

Direct download: Episode_5_-_This_Ones_From_The_Heart.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 5:21pm EST

Attempts at being flowery about a rock record are definitely contained within.  This, being posted in the final moments of June 21st, is a reflection on Guided By Voices' 1994 indie classic Bee Thousand which celebrates its 20th anniversary on the aforementioned day.  There are some thoughts on the reunited lineup and some interesting pop culture tidbits but ultimately this is one humble attempt at celebrating twenty years of Bee Thousand.  Be on the lookout for more reflections back to other great albums from 1994 in upcoming episodes.

Episode 5, which should come out in July, will center around Francis Ford Coppola's One From The Heart which features the music of Tom Waits and is currently available on Netflix "Watch Instant".  For more episodes of the podcast, go to flickeringwaves.com or iTunes.  Also look for the YouTube playlist for this and other episodes of the podcast.

Direct download: Episode_4_-_A_Big_Fan_of_the_Pigpen.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 11:47pm EST

The aftermath of Record Store Day left Terry overwhelmed in the best possible way.  This episode explores the variety of music that came his way over roughly a four-to-six week period.  As the title of the episode would suggest, XTC does play a small part.  However, that Skylarking reissue is discussed as well as compliations from Numero Group, Rough Guide & Light In The Attic.  Then there are the recent releases and reissues from Courtney Barnett, Flaming Lips, The Both, Tori Amos, Liam Finn, Wye Oak, R.E.M. and The Zombies.  In short, if there isn't any music for you then Terry would suggest seeking some out at your "local" record store.  If you don't know of one then recordstoreday.com might be able to help.  Please support your local, independently minded record stores.

For more episodes or to show some support for the podcast, you can subscribe, download and comment on the podcast on iTunes.  Downloads of the podcast are available at flickeringwaves.com.  There is also a Flickering Waves YouTube which has playlists for this and earlier episodes.

Episode 4 will celebrates the 20th anniversary of the release of Guided by Voices' classic Bee Thousand.  And given their two 2014 releases, they too get a brief mention in this episode of the podcast.  A lot of music to talk about but not in a lot of time so don't be surprise if some of this resurfaces in upcoming episodes.

Direct download: Episode_3_-_Senses_Working_Overtime.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 7:00am EST

Shifting away from TV and over to music, Terry takes aim at a favorite song, The Coctails' Tenement from 1993's Long Sound, the band's third full-length release.  Knowing that most are unfamiliar with this band, Terry goes into a not-so-brief history of the band's first five years which Terry got exposed to by first seeing them at the Covered Dish in Gainesville, FL in 1994.

The Coctails started out in Kansas City but would adopt Chicago as their home.  Their unique blend of garage rock, jazz, exotica and whatever music moved them at the time would invite music lovers like Terry and confound others such as those that he informally introduced their music to over time.

Along the way, the podcast listener can discover why "Dancing With Architecture" was a suggested title for Terry's earlier podcast.  Find us on flickeringwaves.com and on iTunes as well as Facebook and Twitter (@flickeringwaves) and look for episode playlists on YouTube.

Direct download: Episode_2_-_Tenement.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 8:06pm EST

Heading out into the podcast waters once again, Terry returns with a relatively brief introduction of what to expect with this new podcast, Flickering Waves, which is a look at pop culture and memories.  There is a brief tease as to what to expect in the first proper episode which will start going through post-production soon.  For those who have read this far, thanks and if you have enjoyed Terry and Aaron previously on 78th and Hard Drive then hopefully you'll enjoy the commentary from them as well as special contributors who will pop in and out from time to time.

"Celebrating the cheesy and twee (and the pretentious) since 1974." - Our current tagline for the podcast.  Perhaps we'll spend a whole episode explaining it but don't count on it.

Thanks to Paul van Deurs for allowing us to use his music for the themes of this new podcast.

Direct download: Episode_1_-_Its_The_End_of_the_World_As_We_Know_It_And_I_Feel_Fine.mp3
Category:Pop Culture -- posted at: 1:02am EST