Flickering Waves (Movies & Music)


Pop Culture
TV, Music & Movies
Movies & Music








September 2024
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The return of the podcast after a lengthy time away brings the listener a review of the year that was and the year ahead in both movies and music.  Naturally, this is shot through Terry's favorites from both.  In both cases, Terry even gets fanciful about possible but unlikely returns (at least this year) from several artists in film and music.  If Episode 28 and the rest of the Road Trip episodes are the journey then this episode is the lengthy process of packing all the bags before the trip.  Besides it is great to know where one is coming from before worrying about getting somewhere new.  If you are enjoying the podcast then tell a friend or post on Facebook and/or Twitter.

Direct download: Episode_27_-_Lets_Go_Away_For_Awhile.mp3
Category:Movies & Music -- posted at: 4:12am EDT

This episode features an unique discussion of the 1998 film Next Stop Wonderland starring Hope Davis and directed by Brad Anderson.  As we are one year from the 20th anniversary of the film, Terry didn't want to do a regular breakdown of the film.  There are likely spoilers in this episode but one hopes that the discussion will encourage watching or re-watching one of Terry's favorite films of 1990s.

So in this discussion, Terry explores some history with some of the actors in the film as well as his own personal history of watching the film.  Also, Terry speaks about his fascination with the soundtrack and bossa nova in general.  Towards the end, there are a couple of film recommendations as well as a slice of Terry's creative thought surrounding what he wanted in the third segment of Before series (which would be named Before Midnight).

All of this and more is framed around a nod to a recurring moment in Next Stop Wonderland.  To do this, Terry used a few randomly selected words from Anna Kendrick's Scrappy Little Nobody.  Like most random things, there were some good outcomes and some not-so-good outcomes.  Think of it as one more layer in a podcast lasagna that is trying to bubble over in the pan.

Please check the Facebook group (The Flickering Waves Podcast) as well as Twitter (@flickeringwaves).  Or go "old school" in internet interaction and drop the podcast a line at flickeringwaves@gmail.com

Direct download: Episode_24_-_Hey_Nineteen.mp3
Category:Movies & Music -- posted at: 5:15pm EDT

This is a relatively short episode of the podcast to bring the machinery back up to speed for more episodes in 2017.  The time away was just that.  Thought was given to hanging it up but as long as the downloads keep happening, there will be more but there is no guarantee of the frequency.

So perhaps the last few months feel strange.  Yeah, me too.  Looking briefly back at November and last Oscar Sunday, Terry offers thoughts on how he feels about award shows now and what these two events might mean for the episodes ahead.  Perhaps new vistas will be exciting or perhaps it is fancy dressing over old ideas.  Thanks for taking a listen and deciding for yourself.

No YouTube playlist for this one.  However, if one wants to follow what movies Terry watches in 2017, there is a YouTube playlist for that.  For links related to the episode, Terry just might post on the Facebook group page and/or the Twitter feed.

Direct download: Episode_23_-_Tell_Me_When_Did_Things_Go_So_Wrong.mp3
Category:Movies & Music -- posted at: 1:59am EDT

This is a discussion of Terry's favorite movie of all time, the 1966 classic from Ray Dennis Steckler entitled Rat Pfink A Boo Boo (not a typo).  In doing so, the episode is twice as long as the movie.  But this is a podcast so naturally, there is much more to be discussed in this episode including Yoga Hosers, Raiders!:  The Story of The Greatest Fan Film Ever Made as well as the music of Ron Haydock and the compilation from Numero Group released this past Record Store Day entitled Los Alamos Grind and of course whatever else can come across Terry's mind.

We can be found on Facebook (The Flickering Waves Podcast group page) and Twitter (@flickeringwaves).  The podcast can also be found on flickeringwaves.com as well as on iTunes where one can also subscribed and comment on the podcast.  E-mails can also be directed to the podcast at flickeringwaves@gmail.com

Direct download: Episode_22_-_Watch_Out_For_Me_Ronnie.mp3
Category:Movies & Music -- posted at: 6:45am EDT

To mark Bill Withers' 78th birthday on July 4th, we are discussing his debut album from 1971 entitled Just As I Am.  As the song Ain't No Sunshine is featured on the album, Terry talks to his friend about the song's connection to them through the movie that they made in 1999 entitled The Whole Town Is Sleeping.

And while on the surface having someone whose knowledge is more in movies than in music, Joel move than proved to be the perfect guest for this episode.  Terry & Joel look back at the movie they made tying it back to an ultimate soundtrack album that was made as a source of inspiration and even a little frustration.  They also look back at an album that hopefully can get its fair due before the 50th anniversary in 2021.  Terry also finds a way to tie it back to one of the better received albums of 2016.

And at this epic length, one can be assured that they are tangents on deck.  Seek out the forthcoming YouTube playlist on the Flickering Waves channel to help sort out unfamiliar waters.

Like the podcast?  Then please subscribe and rate us on iTunes or join the Flickering Waves Podcast Facebook group.  We should be back in late July for an episode entitled Speakin' Out which will explore the how & why of movie going with Terry.

Direct download: Episode_18_-_Do_It_Good.mp3
Category:Movies & Music -- posted at: 11:26pm EDT

This is the reset installment of the podcast.  We have been gone for nearly six months and I wanted to offer a brief explanation and look ahead to the rest of 2016.  The preview is mostly cryptic teasing but if you want more cryptic teasing or better still declarations of what we will talk about here on the podcast then join the Facebook group (The Flickering Waves Podcast) or follow us on Twitter (@flickeringwaves).

The next installment should be out sometime in June with the intent of two episodes a month for the rest of the year.  Hope everyone has a great summer.

Direct download: Episode_00_-_Im_Gonna_DJ.mp3
Category:Movies & Music -- posted at: 10:45pm EDT

This bonus installment of the podcast features initial thoughts on two movies screened at the 2015 Florida Film Festival, Results & Salad Days.  Due to the nature of the recording setting for much of this recording, the fidelity isn't ideal but it is the best that can be provided under the circumstances.

If you have comments that you would like to make about the podcast, please send them to flickeringwaves@gmail.com.  Please subscribe, rate and comment on the podcast on iTunes.  Also look out for the YouTube playlists related to this and other episodes of the podcast.  And if you want more, we have Facebook (The Flickering Waves Podcast group page) and Twitter (@flickeringwaves).

Direct download: 2015_Florida_Film_Festival_Getaway_Part_1.mp3
Category:Movies & Music -- posted at: 1:47pm EDT