Flickering Waves

So my editor is on vacation which may be good as this episode probably would have not happened if they were here.  This is an episode that could only come together when no proper time has been given to it.  In this episode, Terry reflects on one of his recent pop culture holiday traditions, "The Christmas Show" episode of Studio 60 on The Sunset Strip and the lengths he went through to watch it this year.  A brief appreciation that show spills into a reflection of "The Endless River" and two wishes that Terry has related to the band and what could still come from them.  They are the movie "Crystal Voyager" and the song "Embryo"

Follow us on Twitter (@flickeringwaves), join the Facebook group (The Flickering Waves Podcast), download, subscribe & comment on the podcast at iTunes.

Direct download: Episode_16_-_O_Holy_Night.mp3
Category:TV, Music & Movies -- posted at: 12:52am EST

This return of the podcast was inspired by a musical discovery from this past summer.  This discovery led to a lengthy YouTube/internet search and ultimately a chance to finally talk about cover songs.  This intended-as-a-mini-episode but instead became a gluttonous epic of an episode was also inspired by Taylor Swift's & Ryan Adams' versions of 1989.  Contained within is a discussion of six songs that Terry feels would make interesting covers for male artists (and yes Terry is playing rock 'n' roll fantasy here as well).

As She & Him, Bongwater, Tori Amos, Yo La Tengo, Beth Orton & The Breeders are known for covering songs themselves, six more songs are discussed from those artists.  In that second course, a discussion is had of those cover songs and in most cases the artists who originated them.  Tangents are definitely found within but also a brief explanation on the gap between episodes and as well as aspirations for 2016.

As stated many, many times during the episode, we have a YouTube channel (Flickering Waves) that has the songs discussed in this episode and a few additional clips.  If you like what we are up to here, please follow us on Twitter (@flickeringwaves), join our Facebook group (The Flickering Waves Podcast) and subscribe and rate the podcast on iTunes.  We will close out 2015 with what will hopefully become another annual tradition, the Flickering Waves Wish List.

Direct download: Episode_15_-_When_It_All_Comes_Down.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 9:04am EST

Since Wilco was the subject of Episode 14 and they decided to drop a surprise album onto the internet only days after Terry's birthday, he thought it was worth revisiting Wilco in this quick, dirty (only in terms of production) episode of the podcast.  In it, Terry gives his initial impressions on the new Wilco album, Star Wars.  Even as Wilco has been quite friendly with the internet over the years, this surprise release of an album seemed quite unreal.  But after two times around with the album, Terry realized that this was quite the proper release and not some belated April Fools' joke.

Facebook, Twitter & YouTube, you bet we have a little corner in all of them.  Feel like making a direct comment or two?   Then feel free to e-mail us at flickeringwaves@gmail.com.  Also reviews and comments can be left on iTunes.  Hopefully, it won't be so long before the next episode.

Direct download: Episode_14_And_A_Half_-_Star_Wars.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 2:40am EST

As April comes to a close, this episode of the podcast covers a lot of territory.  There is a brief wrap up of Terry's time at the 2015 Florida Film Festival where he watched The Little Death and Alphaville.  The bulk of the discussion is about Wilco's debut album A.M. which celebrated its 20th anniversary back in March.  To provide that discussion with good context, we revisit the end of Uncle Tupelo and talk briefly about the other band that came from the ashes of Uncle Tupelo, Son Volt.  Terry talks about the one record store visit that helped make him the fan of Wilco that he remains to this day.

To wrap up the episode, there is a brief discussion of another album marking its 20th anniversary.  April 1995 brought us Home IX, an all-time favorite of Terry's.  And Terry pays tribute to Vin Scelsa who is about to wrap up his nearly fifty years career in radio.

If one downloads this episode from iTunes, please take time to subscribe and comment on the podcast.  One can also join the Facebook group for the podcast (The Flickering Waves Podcast) and follow us on Twitter (@flickeringwaves).  Also be on the look out for the YouTube playlist for this episode on the Flickering Waves YouTube channel.

Direct download: Episode_14_-_Thats_Not_The_Issue.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 6:22pm EST

On the eve of the second and final showing of the 2015 Florida Film Festival's collection of documentary shorts entitled "8 X Very, Very Real", I'm posting my initial thoughts on these diverse and interesting shorts.  My thoughts on the two features I'm seeing on the final day of the festival should be posted by the middle of next week.  Be sure to subscribe and comment on iTunes as well look us up on Facebook (The Flickering Waves Podcast group page), Twitter (@flickeringwaves) and our YouTube channel (Flickering Waves).

Direct download: Private_Investigations_2015_Florida_Film_Festival_Getaway_Part_2.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 8:48pm EST

This bonus installment of the podcast features initial thoughts on two movies screened at the 2015 Florida Film Festival, Results & Salad Days.  Due to the nature of the recording setting for much of this recording, the fidelity isn't ideal but it is the best that can be provided under the circumstances.

If you have comments that you would like to make about the podcast, please send them to flickeringwaves@gmail.com.  Please subscribe, rate and comment on the podcast on iTunes.  Also look out for the YouTube playlists related to this and other episodes of the podcast.  And if you want more, we have Facebook (The Flickering Waves Podcast group page) and Twitter (@flickeringwaves).

Direct download: 2015_Florida_Film_Festival_Getaway_Part_1.mp3
Category:Movies & Music -- posted at: 1:47pm EST

Originally intended as just a discussion of the 1990 film The Nasty Girl, this episode evolved into one of epic length.  Also discussed on the podcast is the 2012 film Stories We Tell.  Terry had hoped to compare and contrast two true stories told in two different methods.  It is possible that more questions were raised than answered on this one.  Hopefully, this might encourages some good people to go and check both films which as of April 1st, 2015, are available on Netflix's streaming service.

Please check out the podcast group page on Facebook (The Flickering Waves Podcast) or follow us on Twitter (@flickeringwaves).  One can also check out the YouTube channel on YouTube.  The playlist for this episode should be available soon.  Other episode playlist are already available for everyone's enjoyment.

Direct download: Episode_13_-_Love__Anger.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 1:25am EST

As February 2015 marked the 20th anniversary of the release of Mike Watt's first solo album, Ball-Hog or Tugboat, Terry decided not to delay his overview of Mike Watt's solo work any longer.  But to cover the solo work does require an acknowledgement of Minutemen and their classic Double Nickels on the Dime.

The introduction to the work of Mike Watt brings up all four solo albums including the most recent release, Hyphenated-Man.  Many options are offered up throughout the episode on how to find out more about the man with the bass, Mike Watt.  One such option is checking out the YouTube playlist made for this episode of the podcast.  It is a mix of live and studio recordings and features work from Minutemen and his solo work as well as session work that he did with Kelly Clarkson and She & Him.  Nearly all of his music videos are included.  Big Train is the big exception but if one doesn't want to search for themselves then one can check out the Facebook page and Twitter feed for Flickering Waves for the link to that video which led to a lawsuit from Union Pacific.

This episode concludes with a preview of the next two episodes of the podcast which should post this month.  One can find this podcast on flickeringwaves.com or on iTunes.  On iTunes, one can also subscribe to and comment about the podcast.  Thanks to everyone for listening.

Direct download: Episode_12_And_A_Half_-_In_The_Engine_Room.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 2:53am EST

As this is the first podcast of 2015, this episode tries to bridge the pop culture gap between Christmas and now.  We start with a discussion of the three-night concert celebrating the 20th anniversary for New Granada Records.  There are two brief discussions of movies and TV.  For movies, Terry discusses three of his favorite films from 2014 (Boyhood, Interstellar & The Dance of Reality) as well as two more films (Adjust Your Tracking & The Nasty Girl).  On the TV side, Terry discusses his favorite show of the moment (Togetherness) and gets a bit stuck on how to properly appreciate a specific aspect of the show.

Episode 13 should be right around the corner and it will be a discussion of two movies, the aforementioned The Nasty Girl and Stories We Tell.  Episode 12.5 is also coming and it will celebrate the solo work of Mike Watt.  He is briefly mentioned in this episode but Terry will return to reflect on the four solo albums and two times that Terry has seen him live.  Be sure to join the Facebook group page (The Flickering Waves Podcast) and follow us on Twitter (@flickeringwaves) and subscribe to us on iTunes.  Don't hesistate to leave us a review as well.  Thanks for listening.

Direct download: Episode_12_-_Too_Old_To_Rock_n_Roll_Too_Young_To_Die.mp3
Category:TV, Music & Movies -- posted at: 1:41am EST