Flickering Waves


Pop Culture
TV, Music & Movies
Movies & Music








February 2016
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For this final installment of the three-part Halloween jamboree, Terry has some last minute horrifying suggestions for Halloween or simply some horror-related suggestions for any time of the year.  Many of these are available thru the Fandor streaming service while others are Blu-Rays that Terry has picked up hoping to find some time to watch them.  The episode deals with some classics like Carnival of Souls and moves through some more contemporary favorites like Frankenhooker and finishes with some international selections like Santa Sangre.  Hopefully, if one likes horror, one can find something new here or perhaps be reminded of a previously viewed movie that could be the next new classic for Halloween or any time of year.

If one would like to support the podcast, please go to iTunes and subscribe and rate the podcast.  One can also go on Facebook and request to be part of the Facebook group for The Flickering Waves Podcast.  Finally, one can follow the podcast on Twitter @flickeringwaves.  We look to return to more "traditional" programming now that October is winding down.  Thanks for listening!

Direct download: Night_of_the_Creeps.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 3:24am EST

We have a brief discussion of thirteen additional recommendations.  Most are available to stream on Hulu right now while some of the others are from Terry's stack of things to watch (or things that have been watched) this Halloween season.  This list tries to add some more family friendly suggestions but is still quite loaded with a number of more intense horrors.

The final part of this trilogy of mini-episodes should post on Halloween.  It will deal with some movies that have specific Halloween memories whether or not the movies themselves take place in the season.  It will also include a number of movies that will good and horrifying to watch even as the calendar pushes into November and beyond.

A collection of trailers for the most of the movies discussed in this episode will be available thru YouTube on the Flickering Waves channel.  Please follow us on Facebook thru The Flickering Waves Podcast group page or @flickeringwaves on Twitter.

Direct download: Halloween.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 2:07am EST

After some lengthy and emotionally heavier episodes, Terry wanted to reflect on the season and tap into his Halloween spirits.  Includes here are suggestions and recommendations that can be considered (with some caveats in some cases) for October.  Some are movies that can be found on various streaming services and others are ones that Terry is personally looking to visit on the big screen (thanks to the Enzian in Orlando) and at home for various reasons.  If one is looking for some horrific inspirations this time of year, we hope this first of three mini-episodes will serve as a good time.

A collection of trailers for these features will be on the Flickering Waves YouTube channel.  The podcast can be downloaded, subscribed to and commented about on iTunes.  More recommendations to come over the next couple of weeks.

Direct download: Horror_Pictures_Halloween_2016_-_Part_1.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 4:35pm EST

This is a discussion of Terry's favorite movie of all time, the 1966 classic from Ray Dennis Steckler entitled Rat Pfink A Boo Boo (not a typo).  In doing so, the episode is twice as long as the movie.  But this is a podcast so naturally, there is much more to be discussed in this episode including Yoga Hosers, Raiders!:  The Story of The Greatest Fan Film Ever Made as well as the music of Ron Haydock and the compilation from Numero Group released this past Record Store Day entitled Los Alamos Grind and of course whatever else can come across Terry's mind.

We can be found on Facebook (The Flickering Waves Podcast group page) and Twitter (@flickeringwaves).  The podcast can also be found on flickeringwaves.com as well as on iTunes where one can also subscribed and comment on the podcast.  E-mails can also be directed to the podcast at flickeringwaves@gmail.com

Direct download: Episode_22_-_Watch_Out_For_Me_Ronnie.mp3
Category:Movies & Music -- posted at: 6:45am EST

Much like the album that is the subject of this episode of the podcast, this may prove to be the most personal episode to date.  This despite or perhaps because of efforts to overstate non-essential points and understate the essential ones.  But what is intended as an overview of the 1986 classic album from Peter Gabriel entitled So expands into a look back at Terry's adolescence and touches on topics that are clearly still on his mind and in his heart.  Yes, this episode just might go too deep.

Largely due to the new editing technique being used, the YouTube playlists are not up-to-date but keep an eye on those on the YouTube channel for the podcast.  Want to subscribe?  Thanks for the interest and please do so on iTunes where the podcast can also be rated and commented on.  Want to send an e-mail direct?  The address is flickeringwaves@gmail.com There is also a Facebook group page (The Flickering Waves Podcast) and we're on Twitter as well (@flickeringwaves).  Thanks for downloading and/or listening.

Direct download: Episode_21_-_Dont_Give_Up.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 12:05am EST

Taking inspiration from the Jeff Tweedy penned song, Terry explores the wild, wonderful of music both in its physical and digital formats with some discussion on vinyl and multi-channel sound as well as whatever might have crossed his mind while thinking about the above topics.  In other words, if one has found enjoyment in previous episodes of this podcast then one can hopefully found some more here.

Be on the lookout for the YouTube playlist as soon as Terry can find time to actually listen to this episode.  Episode 21 will focus on Peter Gabriel's So and the year of 1986 which would be pivotal in the growth of Terry's appreciation of music.

Direct download: Episode_20_-_I_Cant_Keep_From_Talking.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 4:44pm EST

In the longest solo cast so far, Terry tries to discuss the how and why of movie going for him.  As it turns out, there is quite of who and what to be told here too which means that the surface is barely scratched.  However, there are discussions of the theatrical and home video experiences as well as IMAX and 3D and drive-ins.  The recent closing of Movie Stop gives Terry a chance to reflect on a darker side of film fandom but there are also reflections of great experiences throughout the years.  Ultimately, biases can be revealed and standards established so they can be reexamined against additional who's and what's in upcoming episodes.  This episode also serves as a preview of what the movie side of the podcast will look like for the rest of 2016.

Don't forget Facebook (The Flickering Waves Podcast group page) and Twitter (@flickeringwaves) as well as iTunes (subscribe, comment and submit reviews) and YouTube (Flickering Waves channel).  The YouTube playlist promises to be epic and hopefully pretty good as well.  When Episode 20 comes on next time, Terry goes into the weeds of how and why again but with music.  Thanks for downloading and listening.

Direct download: Episode_19_-_Speakin_Out.mp3
Category:movies -- posted at: 4:01am EST

To mark Bill Withers' 78th birthday on July 4th, we are discussing his debut album from 1971 entitled Just As I Am.  As the song Ain't No Sunshine is featured on the album, Terry talks to his friend about the song's connection to them through the movie that they made in 1999 entitled The Whole Town Is Sleeping.

And while on the surface having someone whose knowledge is more in movies than in music, Joel move than proved to be the perfect guest for this episode.  Terry & Joel look back at the movie they made tying it back to an ultimate soundtrack album that was made as a source of inspiration and even a little frustration.  They also look back at an album that hopefully can get its fair due before the 50th anniversary in 2021.  Terry also finds a way to tie it back to one of the better received albums of 2016.

And at this epic length, one can be assured that they are tangents on deck.  Seek out the forthcoming YouTube playlist on the Flickering Waves channel to help sort out unfamiliar waters.

Like the podcast?  Then please subscribe and rate us on iTunes or join the Flickering Waves Podcast Facebook group.  We should be back in late July for an episode entitled Speakin' Out which will explore the how & why of movie going with Terry.

Direct download: Episode_18_-_Do_It_Good.mp3
Category:Movies & Music -- posted at: 11:26pm EST

Revisiting the idea of the "Moonlight Feels Right" installment of the podcast, Terry tries to reflect on the Santana favorite from 1976, "Europa".  However, when the song is from an artist whose works now span six decades, the main topic of discussion is easily stepped around during the episode.  From high school poetry to qualifiers as well as guitar lessons of different kinds covering two generations, this became more of an episode than what was originally intended.

As music has served as a way to make sense of a world that is becoming increasingly less so, the events in Orlando at Pulse and Plaza Live did affect indirectly the recording of the episode.  As awkward as the opening may seem, everyone at Flickering Waves is hoping for the best for the survivors, the friends and family of the victims and the city of Orlando in what was a weekend full of senseless, wholly unjustified violence.

There is quite the YouTube playlist at our YouTube channel; search for "Flickering Waves Europa" and the playlist should come right up.  Please remember though we encourage everyone out there to seek out physical and/or legal downloads of the music and video contained in the playlist (where available).  Please subscribe and rate us on iTunes (five stars reviews are much appreciated).  We also have a Facebook group (The Flickering Waves Podcast) as well as a Twitter (@flickeringwaves).  Listen to the end of the podcast and one can find out the subject of Episode 18 with a tentative release date of July 4th.  Take care, everyone and everywhere.

Direct download: Episode_17_-_Europa_Earths_Cry_Heavens_Smile.mp3
Category:music -- posted at: 2:56am EST

This is the reset installment of the podcast.  We have been gone for nearly six months and I wanted to offer a brief explanation and look ahead to the rest of 2016.  The preview is mostly cryptic teasing but if you want more cryptic teasing or better still declarations of what we will talk about here on the podcast then join the Facebook group (The Flickering Waves Podcast) or follow us on Twitter (@flickeringwaves).

The next installment should be out sometime in June with the intent of two episodes a month for the rest of the year.  Hope everyone has a great summer.

Direct download: Episode_00_-_Im_Gonna_DJ.mp3
Category:Movies & Music -- posted at: 10:45pm EST